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  • Jessica Abegglen, LPC, NBCC

Paula Soehnlein, LPC

Next on our list of introductions is Paula Soehlein, Licensed Professional Counselor.

Paula Soehnlein

Licensed Professional Counselor

Paula may be new to our team but she is not new to counseling. Paula has worked for over ten years in the counseling field, supporting children and families in a number of settings.

Paula is also a certified Equine Therapist -- she uses horses in her work with clients! How cool is that!?

Lets hear from her and how she views her role in the therapeutic relationship with her clients...

"Sometimes in our lives we have experiences that lead us to feel overwhelmed, unsettled, disconnected, uncertain, or stuck. During those times, I can help by offering guidance, acceptance and validation.

As a professional counselor, one of my goals is to cultivate a space in which clients feel they have a voice.

I believe that each person has a unique story and that counseling should be a flexible process which allows you to share that story while also creating meaningful and satisfying new chapters.

I specialize in working with school age children, teens and adults who have experienced violence, abuse and other trauma (both recent and past). Additionally, I have extensive experience working with adolescents and adults around self-harm, conflict or violence in relationships, and mental health challenges including anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and borderline personality disorder. I have training and expertise in a variety of approaches and techniques, with specialization in DBT, CBT, TF-CBT, and CPT and offer individual, couples, family and group counseling. Sessions are customized for each client based on their needs, goals, age and functional level. As a supplement to traditional talk therapy, I enjoy incorporating nature, play, art, movement, mindfulness and animals in sessions when appropriate.

If you or a loved one are interested in working toward deeper understanding, growth and change, or just want to live a more satisfying and fulfilling life, give me a call to begin your journey!"

Paula, we feel so fortunate to have you as part of our team!


If you are interested in scheduling an appointment with Paula, you can reach her


call our intake line: 608-709-6972

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[This article does not create a client-counselor relationship. This article is general counseling information and is not to be considered legal or medical advice. Please consult with your mental health professional before you rely on this information.]

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